Monday 19 September 2016

Flip book

Flip Book.

Image result for Flipbook

What is it and How does it work.

A Flip Book is an simple animation technique that uses persistence of vision to create the illusion of movement between still images.

drawings are layered on top of each other and flipped through at a fast pace showing each picture one after another giving the illusion of movement. 

it is created by using a flip book which is a book made of empty pages the drawings are put on and once the drawing are done it is ready to be used.


  • Easy to use
  • relatively easy to make
  • Creates simple but cool looking animations
  • can be complicated but dont have to be


  • Some amount of artistic ability is needed to make good animations
  • time consuming as each single picture needs to be drawn
  • difficult to create consistent pictures that look alike (Artistic ability)
  •  animations can only reach a certain limit for quality 


The Flip Book was created in September 1868 by John Barnes linnet but was known as the kineograph at the time.

The idea was then used by Max Skladanowsky which had a direct connection to the birth of cinema as we know it today.


1.The First recorded flip book in history created by John Barnes Linnet.

2. An official Disney Flip book.

Image result for Famous flipbook


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