Monday 14 November 2016

3D CGI Animation.

3D CGI Animation

What is it and how does it work?

3D Animation is a form Animation Where computer generated models are moved and made to do different actions which are then taken as pictures and played frame by frame to create the illusion of movement.

To create a 3D Animation you need a computer with a decent 3D Animation software and a decent amount artistic ability is needed to create a high quality working animation.


  • It can create great looking 3D animations.
  • the animations are not bound to any rules allowing the animations to be of anything.
  • Large amount of pre-made assets that can be used by animators with less time or money.


  • Takes a lot of time to create animations.
  • A very high level of artistic ability is needed to create high quality models for the animations.
  • Equipment and software are expensive.


Edward E. Zajac, Frank W. Sinden, Kenneth C. Knowlton, and A. Michael Noll,
These where all the main people involved in the early development in 3D Computer Animation.

One of the earliest uses of 3D Animation is in the sequel to the movie "west world" named 
"future world" created in 1976, 
in the film 3D Wire Frame Imagery was used to create a computer generated hand and face which was created by students at the University Of Utah.




Tuesday 8 November 2016

2D Computer Graphic Animation

2D Computer Graphic Animation.

What is it and how does it work?

2D Animation is a form of animation in which 2-Dimensional drawings are placed on a computer screen and moved or re-drawn frame by frame to create the illusion of movement.

to create an 2D computer animation you need a computer, drawing tablet,drawing and animating software.
a very high degree of artistic ability is also needed to create drawings that are clear and good looking.


  • It can create amazing looking 2D Animations
  • it is cheaper and easier when compared to 3D Animation
  • the animations are not bound to any rules allowing the animations to be of anything.


  • it is very time consuming
  • a very high level of artistic ability is needed to create these animations meaning not everyone can do it
  • equipment and software are expensive


John Whitney is considered by most to be the father of computer animation with his most notable work being that of the animated sequence in the 1958 film "vertigo" made by the famous 
Alfred Hitchcock and the Stanley Kubrick's 2001 "A Space Odyssey", in which computer animated scenes where used created by John Whitney himself.
John Whitney Died in 1995 after having three sons who all became film makers themselves. 




Monday 3 October 2016

Stop Motion

Stop Motion Animation.

What is it and How does it work-

Stop Motion is a form of animation that uses many images of a physical object moving little by little and plays them one after another to create the illusion of movement. 

to create a stop motion animation a camera is needed on order to take the pictures and what ever you want to animate, after that it is simply a case of moving the object and taking pictures along the way.


  • Anyone with a camera can do it.
  • can be made with anything from figures and drawings.
  • can be complicated but also don't have to be.


  • Takes a lot of time to make a decent animation.
  • Some amount of creativity and artistic ability is required.
  • difficult to get consistent image quality and speed.
  • difficult to get fluid animation.
  • separate audio track must be made.


The first use of stop motion animation was in 1898 when Albert E. smith and J. Stuart Blackton created the Short animation "The Humpty Dumpty Circus".
they used acrobat dolls that had jointed limbs which they posed in different positions to create the illusion of the dolls performing.


The first popular use of stop motion animation was the feature created in 1925 by Willis O'Brien which tells the story of a world where Dinosaurs still roam the earth.

A detailed tutorial on how to create a stop motion animation.

Monday 19 September 2016

Flip book

Flip Book.

Image result for Flipbook

What is it and How does it work.

A Flip Book is an simple animation technique that uses persistence of vision to create the illusion of movement between still images.

drawings are layered on top of each other and flipped through at a fast pace showing each picture one after another giving the illusion of movement. 

it is created by using a flip book which is a book made of empty pages the drawings are put on and once the drawing are done it is ready to be used.


  • Easy to use
  • relatively easy to make
  • Creates simple but cool looking animations
  • can be complicated but dont have to be


  • Some amount of artistic ability is needed to make good animations
  • time consuming as each single picture needs to be drawn
  • difficult to create consistent pictures that look alike (Artistic ability)
  •  animations can only reach a certain limit for quality 


The Flip Book was created in September 1868 by John Barnes linnet but was known as the kineograph at the time.

The idea was then used by Max Skladanowsky which had a direct connection to the birth of cinema as we know it today.


1.The First recorded flip book in history created by John Barnes Linnet.

2. An official Disney Flip book.

Image result for Famous flipbook


Monday 5 September 2016



What it is and how it works-

The zoetrope is an simple animation technique that uses persistence of vision to give the illusion of movement by spinning various images around in a cylinder shaped device.

A cylinder shape is cut with various 1 mm Slits for the user to look through, it is then attached to a device that will turn it at a decent speed in turn moving the drawn images inside creating a short but good looking "Animation".


the zoetrope is a simple easy to make device as it is possible to make one with simple everyday objects Tins, Pins, Paper etc...

It doesn't take long to make one allowing a short and simple animation to be made quickly.


The animations it creates can only be very simple and short ones eliminating the possibility of longer more complex animations.

It requires a some what decent drawing skill to create images that are clear and detailed enough to make the zoetrope work fully.


Although there have been many variations of this device throughout time ranging from 5000 years ago in Iran to 100bc China , and even though it was patented on march 6th 1867 by Henry Watson Hallet the earliest known use of the zoetrope can be dated back to January 1834, when it was designed and used by William George Horner a British Mathematician who had created the improved version of an idea he had seen from Joseph Plateau.


The Zoetrope of the horse and rider is a well know, commonly used zoetrope as it is easy to create but gives a nice result of a horse galloping.

Image result for zoetrope well known examples

Another well known example of a zoetrope is one created with Various figures of bird in different sizes and positions giving the illusion of many birds flying when it is used.

Image result for zoetrope well known examples

Links to Video Examples-

YouTube video showing the use of the well known galloping horse zoetrope.

YouTube video showing how to create a very simple and easy to use zoetrope.

Monday 29 August 2016



Image result for thaumatrope

Technique and how it works.

The Thaumatrope is an optical illusion created by drawing two separate drawing on opposite sides of one piece of paper or card, the paper is then rotated at a speed using string or a stick giving the illusion of movement between the drawings.


the Thaumatrope is a simple and easy method to use when creating simple two piece animations, while also being fun to use.


It requires a decent amount of artistic ability to create drawings with enough detail in order to make the animation look good or convincing.
The animation is limited in terms of length and detail as it can only use two pictures instead of many.


The Thaumatrope was an optical illusion Created by John Ayrton Paris to display the persistence of vision to the royal college of physicians located in London in 1824.


The bird in the cage is a simple use of the Thaumatrope giving the illusion of the bird being in the cage even thought they are two separate drawings.

Image result for thaumatrope

Another well known example is that of Richard Barons art of the dog and the birds, once spun it gives the illusion of the dog chasing the birds.

Image result for examples of thaumatropes


YouTube Video containing various uses of the Thaumatrope being used.

Video of the well known Bird in a Cage Thaumatrope.